100 Victor St
St. Louis MO 63104
314-GARAGES (427.2437)
Our team completed a specialized restoration project on a parking garage ramp in Brentwood, MO. This project involved a comprehensive range of services designed to replace and enhance the ramp's structural integrity and usability. The project began with shoring to provide temporary support and ensure the safety and stability of the structure throughout the restoration process. We then performed a complete ramp removal to address the underlying issues and prepare for the installation of new materials. New steel reinforcements were installed to provide a robust framework for the ramp, ensuring its durability and longevity. Following the installation of the new steel, we poured a new concrete ramp, designed to withstand heavy usage and adverse weather conditions. To protect the new concrete ramp from wear and weather damage, we applied a high-quality deck coating, which also enhances the ramp's appearance and provides a safer driving surface. This project was completed on time and within budget, showcasing our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. The new ramp significantly improved the structural integrity and functionality of the parking garage, providing a reliable and safe access point for all users in Brentwood, MO.
Shoring | Ramp Removal | New Steel | New Concrete Ramp | Deck Coating
100 Victor St
St. Louis MO 63104
1600 E 9th St
Kansas City, MO 64106
314-GARAGES (427.2437)